SEVENTEEN - Jan ’92… This was Seventeen’s first black-and-white cover ever. It was shot in New York by Barry Hollywood and the issue featured a story on the two girls. They had such a good time together. It was really déjà vu for me and Niki, as Barry was the first photographer to shoot Niki for Seventeen back in 1989, when Niki was 14 years old. Now Krissy was 14, and history seemed to be repeating itself. They shot part of the story in the same studio they had used for Niki four years earlier, and even used the same make-up artist and hair stylist!
SEVENTEEN - Jan ’93… One year after their first duo appearance on the cover of Seventeen, Niki and Krissy were featured together again on the January 1993 cover. This one was shot by Scott Teitler in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Again, they ran a story on the girls and their lifestyles in the same issue. The cover was shot on the beach. The pictures from this shoot are some of Niki’s favorites.
DOLLY - Aug ’93… This cover was shot by Myers Robertson on South Miami Beach, in Florida. Australia really fell in love with Krissy and Aussie magazines wound up using film from several other shoots done in the U.S. Here are some reflections on Krissy from Dolly editor, Carlotta Moye:
“Krissy’s first appearance in Dolly was the cover of our August 1993 issue. So fantastic was the response to this cover, we rushed to get her back on the October issue that same year.”
It was Krissy’s first solo magazine cover, so excited was she that she faxed us to say thanks...she’d just turned 15!...and it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship between Krissy and the million-plus readers of Dolly. You can wonder all you like about what sells a magazine; was it the coverlines, the free giveaways, or the poster of Brad Pitt???...but after Krissy was on a cover, the answer was simple: it was Krissy that Dolly readers wanted to see, read about and get to know. She was the kind of girl everyone wanted to have as a best friend. Her beauty, her humour, her love for her family and friends, and, of course, that fab body that would make even Elle jealous, was what every Aussie girl wanted and loved.
“Krissy will be missed, but never forgotten, as a huge part of Dolly’s family.”
YM Magazine - Aug ’93…By far, one of Krissy’s favorite shoots. It was shot in L.A. by Myers Robertson. It was a beautiful day. Krissy got to skip school, fly to L.A. and work with Dan Cortese! She found Dan to be a really fun, nice guy. That smile tells it all.
DOLLY - Oct ’93… This was a sell-out issue! Australian magazine, Dolly, and their readers just loved Krissy. Scott Teitler shot this one in Miami, and shares these feelings about Krissy in the article:
“Krissy and I walked down a quiet beach in the late afternoon of a school day. We passed by a few young girls, perhaps 12 years old, who stole glances at Krissy and then disappeared. Minutes later, they returned—this time with about six other friends in tow, scraps of paper and pencils in hand.
“I left Krissy to her adoring public as she patiently and diligently signed her name and chatted with each fan. I watched from a distance and wondered what these kids might be asking of the 15-year-old, just under six feet tall, who has recently graced covers and pages of Seventeen, YM and Vogue: What’s her favorite band? What’s her favorite pig-out food? Who’s her favorite supermodel?
“Later I asked Krissy how it felt to be a role model to these kids who so admire her. ‘It’s weird,’ she replied, ‘I’m really just a kid, too.’
“By the way, this kid answered: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, cheeseburgers and, of course, sister Niki Taylor.”
GIRLFRIEND -Nov ’93… This shot was also done by Scott Teitler. Girlfriend is an Australian publication equivalent to YM in the United States. They, too, had a huge request for both the girls.
SEVENTEEN -Nov ’93… This was Krissy’s first solo cover on Seventeen. It was her issue. She also had two other stories in it. This cover truly started her own directions. The opportunities started coming in steadily after this issue hit the stands. The cover was shot by Troy Word in New York. Here are some great comments from Donna Rubenstein, who was the model editor at Seventeen when Krissy was on this cover:
“The first time I met Krissy was on a photo shoot we were doing in Miami—it was for our prom issue and we were photographing her sister, Niki. I had known that Niki had a younger sister and I was very anxious to meet her. What a great idea to photograph the sisters on the beach near their home for a story. So that’s what happened. Krissy was 11 at the time and just so adorable. She was a bit shy and stayed in the background as big sister Niki was getting her hair and make-up done. I remember Krissy sitting in the location van watching her sister get ready and looking so proud of Niki. When it was time to photograph the girls, Niki made it very comfortable for Krissy, who seemed a little bit nervous. So basically, the photographer just had to capture the images as the girls were just being themselves, hanging out at the beach. Niki was outgoing, jumping around, while Krissy was more reserved, but taking cues from Niki. The story turned out great and it ran in our March 1990 issue.
“The next few times I worked with Krissy were again with her sister Niki. We photographed them for our January 1992 cover. This time we had the girls come to New York for the shoot. We spent one day in the studio for the cover and the other day around New York on-location, at a diner (where the actual cover was shot), and on New York streets. This time, although Krissy was still a little shy, I was beginning to see glimpses of her unique, special personality.
“The time we photographed the girls for the cover of our January 1993 issue, it was this time in Miami. We wanted to capture them in their own element, close to home. So again, the photographer followed the lead of the girls and captured them hanging out together. This time, I noticed a huge difference in Krissy. Not only had she begun to blossom into a beautiful girl, but she sparkled and her personality was showing through. She radiated confidence and beauty.
“With each time we photographed the sisters, Krissy, taking cues from Niki, grew into her own confidence and beauty. What was so special and endearing about Krissy at the time was that she did not understand why people wanted to work with her, meaning in a sense that she was surprised that she was considered beautiful. ‘They want to take my picture?’
“By this time, Krissy was ready to stand on her own and began getting tons of work alone. We photographed her for our November 1993 cover. She was comfortable in front of the camera, and with all of the focus on her. Still goofing around and being a free-spirit, it was so great to see her blossom in front of the camera.
“For our February 1994 issue, we were photographing couples, so we went down to Miami to photograph Krissy and her boyfriend at the time. It was wonderful to see Krissy with him, sharing moments, but allowing us to photograph them. We also photographed Krissy alone. What stood out on this shoot was that the photographer kept on asking her to run and jump, and Krissy stood her ground and said that was not her style. I was so proud of her. Even though a few times she hid behind me, away from the photographer. She was saying that if they wanted to take her photo, he needed to capture her own, unique and wonderful self. And then the photographer did.
“Each time I had the privilege to work with Krissy was very gratifying. She was a bit shy, but as I got to know her, she allowed me to see more and more. I remember at one shoot she grabbed me and we ran into the bathroom so that she could show me her newly-acquired tattoo, and I was asked not to tell anyone. We giggled and went back to the shoot.
“Even the times I wasn’t working with her, she kept me up-to-date on what she was doing through phone calls and faxes.”
GIRLFRIEND - Feb ’94… Shot by Mikel Roberts in Miami, this was an issue that featured a cover story about Krissy. This interview, titled “Two Days in the Life of Krissy,” covered just about every topic, and was addressed to Australian girls who wanted to know more about her.
South Florida Magazine - Mar ‘94 …Shot in Ft. Lauderdale by Scott Teitler. This issue featured a “retro” look.
It also featured a special editorial on swimsuits…
TEEN- Apr ’94… This shot was an out-take from a CoverGirl photoshoot. ’Teen ran an article on mega-models which featured both Niki and Krissy.
Fashion photographer Scott Teitler, had a great history with the Taylor sisters. He basically photographed their earliest modeling days as well as being the one of girl’s first pro-photographers they ever worked with. Scott remembers his Ocean Drive cover experience with Krissy… “I am very critical of my own work, like many other creative people I know. But when this cover of Ocean Drive came out, I remember just staring at it for what felt like half-an-hour, just mesmerized by its beauty. I have never since been as fully satisfied with an image I have taken. Of course, it’s really all about Krissy and how she had really matured and come into her own. There are a couple of great stories about this photo shoot. This was the first issue of Ocean Drive to be a complete ‘sell-out.’ People called months and months later to the magazine asking for the ‘Krissy issue,’ but there were simply no more anywhere”.
“Inside the issue was a small photo of me being hugged by Krissy along with a short ‘bio’ about the cover photographer. Little did I know getting a hug from Krissy would make me so well-known! Months after this issue was off the newstands, a man stopped me on a street in Miami and said, ‘I know you, you’re Krissy’s photographer.’ I never saw this guy before in my life, so I just nodded and politely smiled, but he continued, asking me to wait where I was—he only lived a block away, and would I wait a minute so he could get his copy of Ocean Drive so I could autograph it!
“Months after this happened, almost a full year from the time the cover came out, yet another man stopped me in a bookstore and asked me if I was the guy who photographed Krissy on Ocean Drive! This cover had impact!” …Scott Teitler, Fashion Photographer
DOLLY - Jan ’95… Shot by Ian Scott in Miami. This cover ran on an issue of Dolly which featured yet another interview with Krissy inside.
OCEAN DRIVE - Jul ’95… Niki and Krissy were quickly becoming the “Miss July” cover girls after four years of one, or the other, of them being on the cover that month. This would be Krissy’s last shoot with Niki, and her last cover. The cover was shot in May by Scott Teitler, and although the issue hit the news stands after Krissy’s death, she did get to see a proof of this photograph.